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PLR Report Only Available for the First 25 Buyers!

Show Your Readers How to Become Successful Medium Writers and Create a Profitable Side-Hustle or Even Quit Their Day Job!

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"PLR is great!"

I think we can all agree on that, However one of the biggest concerns of my dear readers might be the fear of oversaturating the market.

And I do understand that.

Imagine, if you bought a PLR report from me and suddenly a few days later, when you set up a new eBook for sale you would start to see hundreds of other similar eBooks popping up as well.

That can be rather demotivating.

Usually I limit the sales of my PLR reports and bundles exclusively to my list so it is already less of an issue than it would have been if you bought your PLR bundles from, let's say, a huge marketplace where hundreds of thousands of people before you already bought the same piece of content.

In such cases you would even ask yourself if it was worth buying in the first place.

That goes against the entire spirit of PLR.

PLR is supposed to make your life easier, make you focus on what matters and eliminate some of the tedious grinds along the way.

With this in mind, I’ve decided that I will limit the amount of reports I sell of each topic, so that you can always have an assurance of quality and a reassuring feeling that you don’t need to worry about competition anymore.

More info about the product below… 

Note: If this report has been sold out and you unfortunately missed it, worry not, send me an email with a suggestion of a topic you would like me to write about, and I will try to deliver something for you in the next limited PLR Bundle.


Make Money Writing On Medium

Make Money Writing on Medium

Britt Malka laughing

Hi, I'm Britt

This PLR has been written by me, Britt Malka, without the help of ghostwriters or AI.

I have multiple years of experience on Medium, hundreds of articles in my name and currently amongst the top ranked Medium writers.

You probably already know that a good title and an interesting topic is everything on Medium.

You probably already know that a good title and an interesting topic is everything on Medium.

Without it, you simply won’t get any claps, reads or comments, that's a fact.

Most People will only miss out on a few key elements when writing a story, and will feel demotivated when they don’t get enough views on their articles that they’ve spent hours researching and writing.

Little do they know, the devil is in the details. 

Oftentimes they can make their stories 10 times more attractive and get 10 times the view count simply by making a few changes.

So what are these changes?

That’s one of the things I will cover in this report.

This report is 5,105 words long (29 pages) and it will be covering:

  • How to find a popular topic to write about. (You'll be amazed to see how exactly you can pinpoint it.)
  • How to Plan your Articles with this Secret ingredient. When I found it, it made a difference from 19 views to 16.2K views.
  • How Writing is like Dancing, and what I Mean by That.
  • How to setup and format your Articles for optimal results (AKA Money Making)

Here’s a short snippet of what you can expect to find in this PLR Report:

Snippet LimitedPLRMedium

[YES] Can be edited in any way
[YES] Can add as a bonus to other paid products
[YES] Can be offered as part of a paid membership site
[YES] Can be used as a report and sold under your name with personal rights (PDF)
[YES] Can use to sell as an eBook on any platform of your liking except KDP Amazon, with or without editing
[YES] Can put your name on it and claim as your own content
[YES] Can be used for videos and video courses
[YES] Can be used for audio (sound) files

Here's What You Can Do with This PLR

[NO] Can sell resale rights to others
[NO] Can sell Private Label Rights
[NO] Can sell Master Resell Rights
[NO] Can be used for videos with PLR rights
[NO] Can be included in bundles and sold with PLR rights
[NO] Can be published under my name or with me as co-writer

Unlock exclusivity with this limited PLR Report, available only to the first 25 buyers.

Say goodbye to hefty price tags associated with custom-written content tailored exclusively for you. This PLR Report offers all the advantages of personalized content without the drawbacks.

It will give you all the benefits of PLR whilst ruling out any of the negatives.

While a skilled ghostwriter typically charges $1 per word, pricing this product at around $5,000  or alternatively a very affordable ghostwriter can charge as low as $0.10 per word, thus lowering its cost to $500.

Not to mention that the quality of the product is often subpar with minimal research done.

That’s why this is a Win-Win situation for you.

Quality content at an unbeatable price. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

You can purchase it now for just $25

That comes out to be ≈ $0.005 per word.

Only available to the first 25 buyers. When it’s sold out it’s sold out, I will not be able to sell anymore copies of it.

And out of those only 25 buyers, some will use it only for their own purpose… while maybe one or two will use it to sell.

There's very little risk that your audiences will overlap.

Get It Now and Start Setting Up Blog Posts Today

After purchase, you’ll get an email with a link to download. You’ll also see the download link(s) straight away. If you’re not already a subscriber to my list, the system will add you. You can unsubscribe at any moment if you don’t like my emails.


Britt signature


PS If you have questions or doubts about if this product can help you, let me know. Just click the link below to reach me on my support desk.

PPS Here goes a short summary of the best feature of this PLR.

New Course: 7 Days Niche Blog

2-hour blog

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