Never Run out of Great Ideas

Great Ideas Don't Grow on Trees, But They Could! "Stop Wasting Time on Content Ideas You Doubt! Learn How to Generate Fresh, Exciting Ideas Your Audience Will Love Each and…
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Write Like a Pro

Write like a pro. This doesn't mean knowing Strunk's style by heart or telling the difference between then/than, their/there or ado/adieu. Writing like a pro is much more. In this…
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Balcony Gardening PLR Articles

Balcony Gardening

Balcony Gardening can make you 100s and 1000s of dollars and is completely under the radar. This PLR bundle consists of 15 1000+ word articles all written by me, Britt…
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affiliate marketing bite sized

Affiliate Marketing

Awesome bundle of 15 articles, each 1000+ words about how to do bite-sized affiliate marketing. Share them on your blog/Medium or sell them as an eBook.
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Membership Sites

Membership Sites

What makes people sign up for memberships and why is it beneficial for both the vendor (this could be you), and the customer? It all boils down to one thing,…
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Law of Attraction PLR

Law of Attraction PLR

Get 15 awesome Law of Attraction PLR articles. I've based the content on my own experience, having used the Law of Attraction since 1994 - or earlier.
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