"Balcony Gardening Can Make You 100s or 1000s of Dollars, and It’s Completely Under the Radar"

Hi there!

What makes a niche profitable?

✅ There must be a large interest in it.

✅ There should be little competition.

✅ It must contain products that sell.

Imagine finding such a niche… Sounds almost impossible, right?

Yet, look at this.

This is a screenshot from Google Trends.

What is shows is an immense interest that only goes a little down during winter. Overall, people want to know more about Balcony Gardening all year long.

All the blue areas of the map are highly invested in this topic. That means buyers for you.

There’s another thing to look out for…

Google Trends Comprise Four Areas...

Interest by Region

Top graph

Related Topics

Related Queries

If there’s an interest in a topic, but only a little, only one of these four areas will have content.

Here it’s all four! That means the interest is huge.

Good for us.

But what about a slightly broader topic, like “balcony garden”?

Google Trends for Balcony Garden

Again, all four areas in Google Trends have content.


"Yes, Britt. People Search for Information… But Do They Buy?"

If people only searched Google for information, the topic would be worthless to us.

To find out if that was the case, I went to Amazon to do a little digging (pun intended).

I couldn’t believe my own eyes when I saw the multitude of best-selling products for balcony gardens.

Look at this!

Look at all the star ratings. Look at the prices.

Doesn’t that sight give you dollar signs in your eyes?

I’m like  right now.

But that’s not nearly all.

I wondered if you could get info products about balcony gardening, and lo and behold… That’s a big YES!

And even with 75% commissions.

CBEngine is basically a search engine with stats for ClickBank products.

There are even best-selling courses on Udemy that you can promote. And it’s another indicator to tell you that yes, this topic is profitable.

People Have Learned a Tough Lesson – Which Is Good for Us

Ever since Covid made its horrible entrance in 2020, people have understood that they need to prepare.

They can’t always go shopping when they want. And even when they can, shops may not always carry the goods they need.

Therefore, people want to become independent and grow their own vegetables. Plus, they want something pretty to look at, and what better way than to start a balcony garden?

They can harvest better crops than they can ever buy. And in the evening, they can relax in a chair on their balcony, surrounded by pretty flowers and herbs.

No wonder, this trend is skyrocketing and has tons of visitors and products to promote.

Wanna Get Into this Profitable Niche?

Can’t blame you.

But, yes, there’s a big but, if you want to start a successful blog in this niche, it takes time.

You need articles of at least 1,000 words each.

That means, you need to spend time:

  • Doing research
  • Crafting headlines
  • Writing the articles

And you need to do it consistently and get at least 15 articles up.

We’re Talking Time… and Energy

Not only does this take time… it’s easy to spend 2-4 hours on each article…

It also takes energy, lots of it.

You can outsource it, of course.

But if you want well-written articles that you don’t have to rewrite, it’s not cheap. For 1,000 words, you’ll pay at least $40 per article. Often a lot more, because writers who write that kind of articles know their worth.

Or, if you find a cheap one, they will either give you respun texts or create it with an AI tool. In both cases, you’re better off without it.

What’s the Solution Then?

To give up?

Nah, I have what you need to solve that problem.

You’ll get well-researched and well-written articles for a fraction of the price a ghostwriter would charge you.

You’ll get a bundle of 15 articles, which means you have a blog-in-a-box, ready to go online, and ready to make you sales.

All articles are informative articles with hints to products, you can find on Amazon and promote through your affiliate link.

You can insert boxes in the text when you put it online and add images and more text from Amazon. This will both make your blog posts look pretty and make you steady commissions.


Balcony Gardening PLR Articles

Here are the 15 articles you get for almost nothing right now:

  • 1 - How to Create a Balcony Garden (It's So Easy If You'll Only Try It) - 1006 words
  • 2 - Pick the Balcony Garden Type That Is Right for You - 1008 words
  • 3 - Should You Make a Container Garden on Your Balcony? - 1001 words
  • 4 - 7 Tips to Making Your Balcony Garden Look Pretty and Inviting - 1036 words
  • 5 - How to Create a Beautiful and Productive Raised Bed Garden on Your Balcony and Avoid the Mistakes - 1119 words
  • 6 - How to Grow a Vertical Balcony Garden with Success - 1002 words
  • 7 - 7 Little-Known Facts about Hydroponics that You Should Know - 1008 words
  • 8 - The Truth about Caring for Your Balcony Garden - How Hard Is It Really? - 1006 words
  • 9 - What Every Balcony Gardener Should Know about Preparing It for Winter - 1008 words
  • 10 - No Money? Create Your Balcony Garden On a Budget - 1000 words
  • 11 - Make Watering Your Balcony Garden So Easy It Almost Does It Itself - 1001 words
  • 12 - Best Pest Control Tips Ever - 1004 words
  • 13 - These Balcony Gardening Tools Will Make You Look Like a Pro (and Force Your Garden to Thrive) - 1168 words
  • 14 - Sow Now, Cheer Later - Getting Started with Seeds, Seedlings - 1056 words
  • 15 - Join These Communities to Upgrade Your Balcony Garden - 1015 words

How Can You Use these Articles?

You can use those articles to get a blog up and running in no time to make you affiliate income year after year.

You can have content ready to go before you can finish your coffee.

Or you can create a blog in a few hours and flip it to make a quick buck.

Or you can use them to make money almost instantly on sites like Medium and Hub Pages.

You can even put them together in a book you can sell, just not on Amazon who doesn’t want PLR.

Get It Now


You get all 15 articles in that bundle. And they are all on the good side of 1,000 words.

Here's What You Can Do with Your Articles

[YES] Can be edited in any way
[YES] Can add as a bonus to other paid products
[YES] Can be offered as part of a paid membership site
[YES] Can be used as a report and sold under your name with personal rights (PDF)
[YES] Can use these articles on blogs, Medium, etc. as free web content
[YES] Can put your name on it and claim as your own content
[YES] Can be used for videos
[YES] Can be used for audio (sound) files
[NO] Can sell resale rights to others
[NO] Can sell Private Label Rights
[NO] Can sell Master Resell Rights
[NO] Can be used for videos with PLR rights
[NO] Can be included in bundles and sold with PLR rights
[NO] Can use for Kindle or KDP books (against their rules)

Click the Button Now to Get 15 Articles (1K+ Words Each) about Balcony Gardening

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PS If you have questions or doubts about if this course can help you, let me know. Just click the link below to reach me on my support desk.

PPS You get this bundle at a lower price because you get all 15 articles. Normally, they would cost $4 for every 1,000 words.

Because of the nature of this product, all sales are final.

Questions? Problems? Contact me here: https://MalkaSupport.com

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